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Who am I?

I'm currently taking some time to explore my thoughts around issues I care about, specifically on immigration, climate change, economic inequality, and development economics. Simultaneously, I am also focusing on my creative endeavors such as storytelling through writing and film.


After studying economics and math in university, I joined the technology wave in Silicon Valley, jumping from one company to the other, one role to another. My most recent endeavor in tech led me into quite the academic rabbit-hole, and soon enough, I found myself conducting research with an economist I very much admire. I was, and still am, moved by the power of data, experimentation, and research to expose the truths about the numerous social issues penetrating our society. 

What more?

I'm an avid oil painter and an aspiring but highly mediocre cook. I also enjoy playing chess on my miniature wooden set (challenge me to an online chess game?). My french language skills have vastly deteriorated, but I still maintain my fluent Chinese. I try go back to China at least once every two years.

I'd love to get to know you! Send me a message.

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